Frequently Asked Questions
Minimum order?
Our minimum order is $150. Any orders sent under this will be charged a flat freight & handling rate of $12.
Freight Charge?
Freight is capped at 8% of order, Orders of $750 are freight free.
How do I open an account?
Get in touch with your details and we will send you a new account application form.
Back orders?
Yes, as a default we will keep backorders. Please contact us if you wish to change or delete any backorders.
Do backorders have freight?
Back orders are freight free.
How do I pay?
For non-account customers, credit card when order is placed. For account customers, EFT, check or credit card within 30 days of invoice date.
How do I order?
Either place an order through our website, call our sales team or send us an email.
Fault or damaged item?
Please email sales@heebiejeebies.comwith the issue, item and invoice number and we will contact you to fix it.